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Presentation of our Nikken business and philosophy

A good day to you

Once in a week me and my team do weekly presentations where we inspire ourselves and focus on our goals, by changing the limiting beliefs that we have and putting in new helpfull ones. What I love about what we do is that the by our attitude and our products, we inspire others to focus on what is really important for them. Our philosophy is centered around the 5 important pillars being in harmony and balance: body, mind, family, finances and society.

Wellness Presentation:

Some of the best products from Nikken are designed to help us sleep well. Surprising to start the presentation with the sleep factor? Let's imagine that if we live for 75 years, we spend around 25 years in the sleep state. This period of time shows how important sleep and the circadian rhythim is to our health. 1/3 of our lifetimes spent in another state of consciousness shows how important it is to take care of this time spent in sleep.

Nikken recognizes the importance of our circadian rhythim. From this necessity of a good night sleep, we have created products that help you sleep and be fully regenerated in the morning with less randoom and unusefull thoughts. From the necessity of a good hidration and clean water, we have created products that help you be hidrated and achieve a high standard of water quality. To make sure that we eat isn’t just filling an emotional gap but is improving our health and wellbeing, we have created products that help us with nutrition.

These products cover a wide range, from sleep and nutrition to water and air. Our air purifier helps clean the air that we breathe and our water filters create a beautiful clean fresh fluid, necessary in the areas on our planet where the tap water is not at a satisfactory level. We know that toxicity and disease thrive in acidic state. Thus, when the water is purified and is in alkaline state, it is good for our wellbeing and has healing properties. In an ideal world, there shouldn't be the necesity for detoxing, but many of us live in areas with high pollution.

The Nikken products offer a very purposeful and beautiful way of living physically, enriching our healthy mind and bodies.

And now, we would like to tell you a few words about the Nikken business. The business is been going on for 42 years and the products have reached millions of customers. The fact that we have been around for 42 years, means that the products are solid. Some would say even wonderfull. If it was not so, the word of mouth would kill the business fast. The reputation is build on mutual trust, and 92% of the persons that joined us did so because of the confidence and trust in the value of the products and the team. Our perception is that the company has done preety good and is continuing to do so because of the support it receives.

The Nikken Compensation plan:

For us it is important to promote products that have relevance both individually and on a societal level.

Words of action about the business: Get involved in doing something that can help people connect with their greater purpose. Our team is here to support you and to offer assistance in your first steps and in the next ones to build a succesfull business. We are all achieving together and more then a business you will find an inspiring group that will help you develop personally, financially and spiritually. The power is greater when a group is aligned with a common purpose.

From my experience until now with the company, being a new consultant with Nikken, i have only words of praise for the team. They are not perfect as there isn't any human being which is so, but the level of integrity, personal conviction and gentle trust in the products and in themselves while conducting an international business, well, I have never seen that in any company I have been with.

The philosophy of Nikken and our sales team is created around the 5 pillars of health: mind, body, family, finances, society. It is a way to reach out to peoples lives and really make a difference.

How is income generated?

Every product sold leads to a commission, which is a 20% percentage from the value of the products. Besides the basic percentage, there are other ways to earn: Personal Group Commissions, Entreprenours Club, Leadership Bonus, Paragon Award, Lifestyle Bonus, Promotion and Contests.

As a team development strategy, it is an ideea to develop at least 3 sales teams that sell online or offline. 3 persons that you can trust. Each team will be payed on the collective sales volume that they create. The more sales teams the bigger the commissions.

What is great about the business model in our company?

You can build them as big or as small as you want. The sky is the limit. The potential of income is big because you get payed on the sales volume. A good line of products will always sell because their value is high.

In mathematical terms, it is better to reach 3 sales teams in order to have more leads.

So, let’s get at least 3 sales teams where you can pull the people together and pull a community of like minded entrepreneurs. A life with purpose and a wonderfull opportunity for meaningfull income. This is what we do.

Income streams:

There are multiple income streams. You will find in the compensation plan that the reward system is multifaceted. You can create great group overrides. That is “excess” sales. Beside the standard commission of 20%, there are leadership bonuses based on the organization that you create. Incentive programs with lifestyle opportunities in Cancun with all expenses payed by Nikken. Next year the trip is in Japan.

There are cash bonuses which means that you are your own boss in Nikken and work at your own pace. The right pace is similar in analogy to cooking a meal in the oven. You can get all the right ingredients together, but if you don’t have the right temperature it won’t cook good. The temperature that we create in our business gets us to the pace that we wish. The temperature of appreciation and solid business.

About us:

We are a team of entrepreneurs. We share our products to ourselves and through our teams. We are enriched biologically and physically in order to have the best optimal living. We are rewarded collectively for doing a good job.

I am Alex and i'm available for further questions. join the team and find out more about the Nikken products. Maby you want to improve your sleep, nutrition, balance, circadian rhythim and your energy levels during the day. See how it can work out in your case. And if it does, lets promote our initiative to others. To learn more together and get inspired.

Thank you very much for being with us and reading our presentation.

We are confident that the relevance of our message will increase over time and looking forward in talking with you.

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