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Nikken Magnetic Technology

The products you see on this website are from the company named Nikken which has been continuously researching new ways to improve our wellbeing and health through the use of magnetic technology. The company has been on the market since 1975 and has developed a series of products to improve our lives.

The technologies used are the following ones:

Field Gradient Technology Field Gradient Technology uses bipolar magnets either singly or in a multiple-magnet array. The arrays are precisely spaced to produce a pattern of magnetic flow (flux lines) between the magnets, creating a complex field gradient of magnetic energy utilising multiple polarities and flux. EQL magnetic Technology Equilateral Magnetic Technology uses a patented design that increases the magnetic surface activity through a hexagonal array of equilateral triangles, each an alternating north or south pole magnet. This multiplies the number of positive and negative poles, thus creating more lines of magnetic flux. In turn, this maximises the magnetic and geometric complexity for a static field on a flat surface, so that the positioning of the surface is relevant to the object against which it is positioned and creates a uniform magnetic design from edge to edge.

Dynamic Magnetic Technology. A dynamic magnetic field is more complex than a static field and our massage products use this technology to create a deeply penetrating three-dimensional moving magnetic field. Magnetic Tension Technologies. Nikken’s latest technical developments are the patented Magnetic Tension Technologies, which start to bring some of the 3-dimensional complexity of the Dynamic Technology into a static form and come in three different configurations:

• RAM™ (Radial-Axis Magnetism) Technology modules feature circular clusters of six small magnetic spheres, with each positive-negative axis rotated 60 degrees relative to its neighbour in a stepped alignment that produce a series of overlapping magnetic fields in tension.

• SpyderRAM™ modules use the same magnetic arrangement but at a larger scale for use in a larger context such as KenkoSeats.

• DynaFlux® Technology positions magnetic surfaces with the same polar orientation, either positive or negative, opposite each other at multiple points. Interlocking construction holds these components in place, overcoming the repulsion generated by this arrangement, and specially designed magnets prevent demagnetisation which would otherwise occur. Placing separate magnetic fields in opposition produces a multiplier effect, increasing the magnetic strength and the depth of the field, taking magnetic complexity in a static device almost to dynamic levels

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